Re: [Question] load balance move tasks not suitable ?

From: Peter Zijlstra
Date: Mon Jul 30 2018 - 08:56:13 EST

On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 08:08:55PM +0800, weiqi (C) wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> After Commits 5d6523ebd(sched: Fix load-balance wreckage)ï

That's a _6_ year old patch... and I can barely remember last week.

> The jugement whether imbalance reached changed from twice to one-half.
> from
> (1) if((load * 2)> rem_load_move)
> goto next;
> to
> (2) if((load / 2)> env-> load_move)
> goto next;
> I'm confused about this change.
> "load*2" may be more appropriate, because if a task whose load more than
> env->imbalance is moved from high load cpu to low load cpu,
> will make more imbalance.

It basically goes back to what it was before (see 367456c), in that
patch I (inadvertently) replaced (load.weight >> 1) with (load * 2)
instead of (load / 2).

I'm not entirely sure I can explain that logic at this time. Doing
software archeology on it might clarify where it came from.