[PATCH 5/9] platform: goldfish: pipe: Update the comment for GFP_ATOMIC

From: rkir
Date: Tue Aug 14 2018 - 09:27:00 EST

From: Roman Kiryanov <rkir@xxxxxxxxxx>

Provide an explanation why GFP_ATOMIC is needed to prevent changing it to
other values.

Signed-off-by: Roman Kiryanov <rkir@xxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/platform/goldfish/goldfish_pipe.c | 5 ++++-
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/platform/goldfish/goldfish_pipe.c b/drivers/platform/goldfish/goldfish_pipe.c
index 8f9580454154..a4db4d12b09c 100644
--- a/drivers/platform/goldfish/goldfish_pipe.c
+++ b/drivers/platform/goldfish/goldfish_pipe.c
@@ -639,7 +639,10 @@ static int get_free_pipe_id_locked(struct goldfish_pipe_dev *dev)
return id;

- /* Reallocate the array */
+ /* Reallocate the array.
+ * Since get_free_pipe_id_locked runs with interrupts disabled,
+ * we don't want to make calls that could lead to sleep.
+ */
u32 new_capacity = 2 * dev->pipes_capacity;
struct goldfish_pipe **pipes =
kcalloc(new_capacity, sizeof(*pipes), GFP_ATOMIC);