Re: Code of Conduct: Let's revamp it.
From: jonsmirl@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Fri Sep 21 2018 - 19:31:21 EST
On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 7:17 PM Theodore Y. Ts'o <tytso@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> People can decide who they want to respond to, but I'm going to gently
> suggest that before people think about responding to a particular
> e-mail, that they do a quick check using "git log --author=xyzzy@xxxxxxxxxxx"
> then decide how much someone appears to be a member of the community
> before deciding how and whether their thoughts are relevant.
How does this part apply to email addresses used to commit code?
* Publishing othersâ private information, such as a physical or electronic
address, without explicit permission
It appears to me that this would conflict with the GPL since the GPL
granted the right to distribute (or even print it in a book) Linux and
Linux contains email addresses. This also seems contradictory with
the Reply button I used to send this email.
How do you reconcile working on a public project while keeping email
address secret?
> There are a lot of strong feelings on this issue, and allowing people
> who aren't members of the Linux kernel development community, to
> escalate the rhetoric --- either in the pro- or anti- CoC direction,
> and whether on mailing lists, github comment threads, Twitter, or
> Reddit --- is not helpful.
> For example....
> > >* Showing empathy towards other community members
> >
> > Your pussy hurts? Maybe you should have just accepted that your a boy!
> >
> > I think Linus is perfectly fine in conduct. I mean, this bullshit
> > pressure comes from corporations and other wierd places (<subtext>all
> > seeing eye</subtext>) that want to "help".
> There are people commenting from all sides that are wanting to "help".
> But I hope that it is obvious that the above text is *not* *helpful*.
> Mark, please stop.
> - Ted
Jon Smirl