Exactly. "label" is quite widely used as property name, so that should be acceptable.+2) child nodes
+ The names of child nodes should indicate input source names
+ Required properties:
+ - input-id: Must be 1, 2 or 3
+ Optional properties:
+ - shunt-resistor: Shunt resistor value in micro-Ohm
+ - status: Should be "disabled" if no input source
+ Example:
+ input1 {
+ input-id = <0x1>;
+ status = "disabled";
+ };
+ input-id = <0x2>;
+ shunt-resistor = <5000>;
+ };
Using child nodes is a good idea. However, you are converting the node name into
the hwmon 'label' attribute which I can not accept. First, it is undocumented,
second, it effectively creates an undocumented property (if one wants to configure
the shunt resistor value, one has to configure a child node which is converted
into a label), and third, it violates the hwmon ABI ('input1' is not a "hint
about what this voltage channel is being used for").
Oh. I see the point here now. Then a child name could be just input[123],
and I will add a separate optional child property to indicate the label.