[PATCH 18/19] perf scripts python: exported-sql-viewer.py: Add Selected branches report

From: Adrian Hunter
Date: Mon Oct 01 2018 - 02:36:24 EST

Fetching data from the database can be slow. Add a report that provides the
ability to select a subset of branches.

Signed-off-by: Adrian Hunter <adrian.hunter@xxxxxxxxx>
.../scripts/python/exported-sql-viewer.py | 268 ++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 268 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tools/perf/scripts/python/exported-sql-viewer.py b/tools/perf/scripts/python/exported-sql-viewer.py
index 47de923655e9..933066ee26bd 100755
--- a/tools/perf/scripts/python/exported-sql-viewer.py
+++ b/tools/perf/scripts/python/exported-sql-viewer.py
@@ -1464,6 +1464,266 @@ class BranchWindow(QMdiSubWindow):

+# Dialog data item converted and validated using a SQL table
+class SQLTableDialogDataItem():
+ def __init__(self, glb, label, placeholder_text, table_name, match_column, column_name1, column_name2, parent):
+ self.glb = glb
+ self.label = label
+ self.placeholder_text = placeholder_text
+ self.table_name = table_name
+ self.match_column = match_column
+ self.column_name1 = column_name1
+ self.column_name2 = column_name2
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.value = ""
+ self.widget = QLineEdit()
+ self.widget.editingFinished.connect(self.Validate)
+ self.widget.textChanged.connect(self.Invalidate)
+ self.red = False
+ self.error = ""
+ self.validated = True
+ self.last_id = 0
+ self.first_time = 0
+ self.last_time = 2 ** 64
+ if self.column_name1 == "samples.id":
+ query = QSqlQuery(self.glb.db)
+ QueryExec(query, "SELECT id, time FROM samples ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")
+ if query.next():
+ self.last_id = int(query.value(0))
+ self.last_time = int(query.value(1))
+ QueryExec(query, "SELECT time FROM samples WHERE time != 0 ORDER BY id LIMIT 1")
+ if query.next():
+ self.first_time = int(query.value(0))
+ if placeholder_text:
+ placeholder_text += ", between " + str(self.first_time) + " and " + str(self.last_time)
+ if placeholder_text:
+ self.widget.setPlaceholderText(placeholder_text)
+ def ValueToIds(self, value):
+ ids = []
+ query = QSqlQuery(self.glb.db)
+ stmt = "SELECT id FROM " + self.table_name + " WHERE " + self.match_column + " = '" + value + "'"
+ ret = query.exec_(stmt)
+ if ret:
+ while query.next():
+ ids.append(str(query.value(0)))
+ return ids
+ def IdBetween(self, query, lower_id, higher_id, order):
+ QueryExec(query, "SELECT id FROM samples WHERE id > " + str(lower_id) + " AND id < " + str(higher_id) + " ORDER BY id " + order + " LIMIT 1")
+ if query.next():
+ return True, int(query.value(0))
+ else:
+ return False, 0
+ def BinarySearchTime(self, lower_id, higher_id, target_time, get_floor):
+ query = QSqlQuery(self.glb.db)
+ while True:
+ next_id = int((lower_id + higher_id) / 2)
+ QueryExec(query, "SELECT time FROM samples WHERE id = " + str(next_id))
+ if not query.next():
+ ok, dbid = self.IdBetween(query, lower_id, next_id, "DESC")
+ if not ok:
+ ok, dbid = self.IdBetween(query, next_id, higher_id, "")
+ if not ok:
+ return str(higher_id)
+ next_id = dbid
+ QueryExec(query, "SELECT time FROM samples WHERE id = " + str(next_id))
+ next_time = int(query.value(0))
+ if get_floor:
+ if target_time > next_time:
+ lower_id = next_id
+ else:
+ higher_id = next_id
+ if higher_id <= lower_id + 1:
+ return str(higher_id)
+ else:
+ if target_time >= next_time:
+ lower_id = next_id
+ else:
+ higher_id = next_id
+ if higher_id <= lower_id + 1:
+ return str(lower_id)
+ def ConvertTimeRange(self, vrange):
+ beg_range = max(int(vrange[0]), self.first_time)
+ end_range = min(int(vrange[1]), self.last_time)
+ if beg_range > self.last_time or end_range < self.first_time:
+ vrange[0] = "-1"
+ vrange[1] = "-1"
+ else:
+ vrange[0] = self.BinarySearchTime(0, self.last_id, beg_range, True)
+ vrange[1] = self.BinarySearchTime(1, self.last_id + 1, end_range, False)
+ def InvalidValue(self, value):
+ self.value = ""
+ palette = QPalette()
+ palette.setColor(QPalette.Text,Qt.red)
+ self.widget.setPalette(palette)
+ self.red = True
+ self.error = self.label + " invalid value '" + value + "'"
+ self.parent.ShowMessage(self.error)
+ def IsNumber(self, value):
+ try:
+ x = int(value)
+ except:
+ x = 0
+ return str(x) == value
+ def Invalidate(self):
+ self.validated = False
+ def Validate(self):
+ input_string = self.widget.text()
+ self.validated = True
+ if self.red:
+ palette = QPalette()
+ self.widget.setPalette(palette)
+ self.red = False
+ if not len(input_string.strip()):
+ self.error = ""
+ self.value = ""
+ return
+ if self.table_name == "<ranges>":
+ singles = []
+ ranges = []
+ for value in [x.strip() for x in input_string.split(",")]:
+ if "-" in value:
+ vrange = value.split("-")
+ if len(vrange) != 2:
+ return self.InvalidValue(value)
+ if self.column_name1 == "samples.id":
+ if vrange[0] == "":
+ vrange[0] = str(self.first_time)
+ if vrange[1] == "":
+ vrange[1] = str(self.last_time)
+ if not self.IsNumber(vrange[0]) or not self.IsNumber(vrange[1]):
+ return self.InvalidValue(value)
+ if self.column_name1 == "samples.id":
+ self.ConvertTimeRange(vrange)
+ ranges.append(vrange)
+ else:
+ if not self.IsNumber(value) or self.column_name1 == "samples.id":
+ return self.InvalidValue(value)
+ singles.append(value)
+ ranges = [("(" + self.column_name1 + " >= " + r[0] + " AND " + self.column_name1 + " <= " + r[1] + ")") for r in ranges]
+ if len(singles):
+ ranges.append(self.column_name1 + " IN (" + ",".join(singles) + ")")
+ self.value = " OR ".join(ranges)
+ elif self.table_name:
+ all_ids = []
+ for value in [x.strip() for x in input_string.split(",")]:
+ ids = self.ValueToIds(value)
+ if len(ids):
+ all_ids.extend(ids)
+ else:
+ return self.InvalidValue(value)
+ self.value = self.column_name1 + " IN (" + ",".join(all_ids) + ")"
+ if self.column_name2:
+ self.value = "( " + self.value + " OR " + self.column_name2 + " IN (" + ",".join(all_ids) + ") )"
+ else:
+ self.value = input_string.strip()
+ self.error = ""
+ self.parent.ClearMessage()
+ def IsValid(self):
+ if not self.validated:
+ self.Validate()
+ if len(self.error):
+ self.parent.ShowMessage(self.error)
+ return False
+ return True
+# Selected branch report creation dialog
+class SelectedBranchDialog(QDialog):
+ def __init__(self, glb, parent=None):
+ super(SelectedBranchDialog, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.glb = glb
+ self.name = ""
+ self.where_clause = ""
+ self.setWindowTitle("Selected Branches")
+ self.setMinimumWidth(600)
+ items = (
+ ("Report name:", "Enter a name to appear in the window title bar", "", "", "", ""),
+ ("Time ranges:", "Enter time ranges", "<ranges>", "", "samples.id", ""),
+ ("CPUs:", "Enter CPUs or ranges e.g. 0,5-6", "<ranges>", "", "cpu", ""),
+ ("Commands:", "Only branches with these commands will be included", "comms", "comm", "comm_id", ""),
+ ("PIDs:", "Only branches with these process IDs will be included", "threads", "pid", "thread_id", ""),
+ ("TIDs:", "Only branches with these thread IDs will be included", "threads", "tid", "thread_id", ""),
+ ("DSOs:", "Only branches with these DSOs will be included", "dsos", "short_name", "samples.dso_id", "to_dso_id"),
+ ("Symbols:", "Only branches with these symbols will be included", "symbols", "name", "symbol_id", "to_symbol_id"),
+ ("Raw SQL clause: ", "Enter a raw SQL WHERE clause", "", "", "", ""),
+ )
+ self.data_items = [SQLTableDialogDataItem(glb, *x, parent=self) for x in items]
+ self.grid = QGridLayout()
+ for row in xrange(len(self.data_items)):
+ self.grid.addWidget(QLabel(self.data_items[row].label), row, 0)
+ self.grid.addWidget(self.data_items[row].widget, row, 1)
+ self.status = QLabel()
+ self.ok_button = QPushButton("Ok", self)
+ self.ok_button.setDefault(True)
+ self.ok_button.released.connect(self.Ok)
+ self.ok_button.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)
+ self.cancel_button = QPushButton("Cancel", self)
+ self.cancel_button.released.connect(self.reject)
+ self.cancel_button.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)
+ self.hbox = QHBoxLayout()
+ #self.hbox.addStretch()
+ self.hbox.addWidget(self.status)
+ self.hbox.addWidget(self.ok_button)
+ self.hbox.addWidget(self.cancel_button)
+ self.vbox = QVBoxLayout()
+ self.vbox.addLayout(self.grid)
+ self.vbox.addLayout(self.hbox)
+ self.setLayout(self.vbox);
+ def Ok(self):
+ self.name = self.data_items[0].value
+ if not self.name:
+ self.ShowMessage("Report name is required")
+ return
+ for d in self.data_items:
+ if not d.IsValid():
+ return
+ for d in self.data_items[1:]:
+ if len(d.value):
+ if len(self.where_clause):
+ self.where_clause += " AND "
+ self.where_clause += d.value
+ if len(self.where_clause):
+ self.where_clause = " AND ( " + self.where_clause + " ) "
+ else:
+ self.ShowMessage("No selection")
+ return
+ self.accept()
+ def ShowMessage(self, msg):
+ self.status.setText("<font color=#FF0000>" + msg)
+ def ClearMessage(self):
+ self.status.setText("")
# Event list

def GetEventList(db):
@@ -1886,6 +2146,8 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
if event == "branches":
label = "All branches" if branches_events == 1 else "All branches " + "(id=" + dbid + ")"
reports_menu.addAction(CreateAction(label, "Create a new window displaying branch events", lambda x=dbid: self.NewBranchView(x), self))
+ label = "Selected branches" if branches_events == 1 else "Selected branches " + "(id=" + dbid + ")"
+ reports_menu.addAction(CreateAction(label, "Create a new window displaying branch events", lambda x=dbid: self.NewSelectedBranchView(x), self))

def TableMenu(self, tables, menu):
table_menu = menu.addMenu("&Tables")
@@ -1898,6 +2160,12 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def NewBranchView(self, event_id):
BranchWindow(self.glb, event_id, "", "", self)

+ def NewSelectedBranchView(self, event_id):
+ dialog = SelectedBranchDialog(self.glb, self)
+ ret = dialog.exec_()
+ if ret:
+ BranchWindow(self.glb, event_id, dialog.name, dialog.where_clause, self)
def NewTableView(self, table_name):
TableWindow(self.glb, table_name, self)
