U.S Ambassador / Tag NO.:XXXX.
From: William S. Symington
Date: Mon Oct 01 2018 - 05:03:48 EST
>From United States Ambassador To Nigeria
Plot 1075 Diplomatic Drive Central
District Area, Abuja Nigeria
Dear Fund Receiver,
We want to let you know that the sum of $15.8million being a contract/inheritans/compensation and winning fund payment.
I have make an arrangement of coming to your country with your consignment winning box as a united state agent i have the power to pass customs and security agencies without any blockage if the consignment is completely registered.
You are to confirm the tracking of some person that receive their consignment box through DHL delivery company
Tracking no: 41609916xx
You are instructed to provide the below particulars:
Nearest Airport:
My trip will be upon the receipt of your above particulars so that delivery can commence with your consignment Tag NO.:XXXX.
My Biography :https://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/biog/227407.htm
God bless America
William S. Symington
U.S Ambassador