Re: [PATCH RFC 0/2] mach-omap2: handle autoidle denial

From: Tony Lindgren
Date: Thu Oct 04 2018 - 10:26:03 EST

* Andreas Kemnade <andreas@xxxxxxxxxxxx> [181004 05:56]:
> On the gta04 with a dm3730 omap_hdq does not work properly when the
> device enters lower power states. Idling uart1 and 2 is enough
> to show up that problem, if there are no other things enabled.
> Further research reveals that hdq iclk must not be turned off during
> transfers, also according to the TRM. That fact is also correctly described
> in the flags but the code to handle that is incomplete.
> Since the order is first disable all autoidles, then disable selected
> and then enable all, we need to either change that order or add
> a usecount. Since it is done only in init, we could think about changing
> order.

These patches look OK to me, assuming Tero will review them more

It seems we should just provide a generic interface for
clk_allow_autoidle() and clk_deny_autoidle()? Otherwise we'll
be forever stuck with pdata callbacks it seems.

