question about V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR on 64bit applications

From: Zhang, Ning A
Date: Thu Oct 11 2018 - 23:04:10 EST


I have question about V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR on 64bit applications.

struct v4l2_buffer {
__u32 index;
__u32 type;
__u32 bytesused;
__u32 flags;
__u32 field;
struct timeval timestamp;
struct v4l2_timecode timecode;
__u32 sequence;

/* memory location */
__u32 memory;
union {
unsigned longÂÂÂuserptr; <<<--- this is a 32bit addr.
struct v4l2_plane *planes;
__s32 fd;
} m;
__u32 length;
__u32 reserved2;
__u32 reserved;

when use a 64bit application, memory from malloc is 64bit address.
memory from GPU (eg, intel i915) are also 64bit address.

when use these kind of memory asÂV4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR, address will be
truncated into 32bit.

this would be error, but actually not. I really don't understand.
