Re: lib/genalloc
From: Alexey Skidanov
Date: Thu Nov 01 2018 - 13:07:23 EST
On 11/1/18 18:48, Stephen Bates wrote:
>> I use gen_pool_first_fit_align() as pool allocation algorithm allocating
>> buffers with requested alignment. But if a chunk base address is not
>> aligned to the requested alignment(from some reason), the returned
>> address is not aligned too.
> Alexey
> Can you try using gen_pool_first_fit_order_align()? Will that give you the alignment you need?
> Stephen
I think it will not help me. Let's assume that the chunk base address is
0x2F400000 and I want to allocate 16MB aligned buffer. I get back the
0x2F400000. I think it happens because of this string in the
addr = chunk->start_addr + ((unsigned long)start_bit << order);
and the gen_pool_first_fit_align() implementation that doesn't take into
account the "incorrect" chunk base alignment.
It might be easily fixed, by rounding the start address up (0x2F400000
-> 0x30000000) and start looking from this, aligned, address.