Re: [PATCH v8 1/2] seccomp: add a return code to trap to userspace

From: Tycho Andersen
Date: Thu Nov 29 2018 - 18:08:33 EST

On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 04:40:30PM -0600, Tycho Andersen wrote:
> + =;
> + resp.error = -512; /* -ERESTARTSYS */
> + resp.val = 0;
> +
> + EXPECT_EQ(ioctl(listener, SECCOMP_IOCTL_NOTIF_SEND, &resp), 0);

So, it turns out this *doesn't* work, and the reason this test was
passing is because of poor hygiene on my part.

Per the documentation in include/linux/errno.h,

* These should never be seen by user programs. To return one of ERESTART*
* codes, signal_pending() MUST be set. Note that ptrace can observe these
* at syscall exit tracing, but they will never be left for the debugged user
* process to see.
#define ERESTARTSYS 512

So basically, if you respond with -ERESTARTSYS with no signal pending, you'll
leak it to userspace. It turns out this is already possible with
SECCOMP_RET_TRAP (and probably ptrace alone, although I didn't try it out),
see the program below.

The question is: do we care? If so, it seems like we may need to handle the
-ERESTARTSYS-style cases even when there is no signal pending. If we don't,
there's precedent for us to just do the same thing as what happens for
SECCOMP_RET_TRACE, but we should probably at least fix the docs.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/ptrace.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <linux/filter.h>
#include <linux/seccomp.h>
#include <linux/ptrace.h>
#include <linux/elf.h>
#include <pthread.h>

static int filter_syscall(int syscall_nr)
struct sock_filter filter[] = {
BPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_ABS, offsetof(struct seccomp_data, nr)),
BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, syscall_nr, 0, 1),

struct sock_fprog bpf_prog = {
.len = (unsigned short)(sizeof(filter)/sizeof(filter[0])),
.filter = filter,

int ret;

ret = syscall(__NR_seccomp, SECCOMP_SET_MODE_FILTER, 0, &bpf_prog);
if (ret < 0) {
perror("prctl failed");
return -1;

return ret;

typedef struct {
uint64_t r15;
uint64_t r14;
uint64_t r13;
uint64_t r12;
uint64_t bp;
uint64_t bx;
uint64_t r11;
uint64_t r10;
uint64_t r9;
uint64_t r8;
uint64_t ax;
uint64_t cx;
uint64_t dx;
uint64_t si;
uint64_t di;
uint64_t orig_ax;
uint64_t ip;
uint64_t cs;
uint64_t flags;
uint64_t sp;
uint64_t ss;
uint64_t fs_base;
uint64_t gs_base;
uint64_t ds;
uint64_t es;
uint64_t fs;
uint64_t gs;
} user_regs_struct64;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
pid_t pid;
user_regs_struct64 regs;
struct iovec iov = {.iov_base = &regs, .iov_len = sizeof(regs)};
int status;

pid = fork();

if (pid == 0) {
if (signal(SIGUSR1, signal_handler) == SIG_ERR) {

if (filter_syscall(__NR_getpid) < 0)

/* i'm lazy, so sue me :) */

errno = 0;
pid = syscall(__NR_getpid);

* we get:
* getpid(): -1, errno: 512
* probably should get
* getpid(): <pid> errno: 0
printf("getpid(): %d, errno: %d\n", pid, errno);

if (ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, pid, NULL, 0) < 0) {
perror("ptrace attach");
goto out;

if (waitpid(pid, NULL, 0) != pid) {
goto out;

perror("ptrace setoptions");
goto out;

if (ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, pid, NULL, 0) != 0) {
perror("ptrace cont");
goto out;

if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) != pid) {
perror("wait for trace");
goto out;

if (status >> 8 != (SIGTRAP | (PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP<<8))) {
printf("got bad trap event?\n");
goto out;

if (ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGSET, pid, NT_PRSTATUS, &iov) < 0) {
goto out;

* Tell the syscall to restart. Per include/linux/errno.h this should
* only be set when signal_pending() is set. But we just won't send
* any signals to the process, and we'll see this in userspace.
*/ = -512; /* -ERESTARTSYS */

* This makes the this_syscall < 0 check in __seccomp_filter()
* trigger, so we skip the syscall and return whatever is in ax
regs.orig_ax = -512; /* -ERESTARTSYS */

if (ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGSET, pid, NT_PRSTATUS, &iov) < 0) {
goto out;

if (ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, pid, NULL, 0) < 0) {
perror("cont after setregset");
goto out;

while (1) {
if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) != pid) {
perror("wait for death");
goto out;

if (!WIFSTOPPED(status)) {

if (ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, pid, NULL, 0) < 0) {
perror("cont after setregset");
goto out;


if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
printf("didn't exit: %d\n", WTERMSIG(status));
return 1;

if (WEXITSTATUS(status)) {
printf("exited: %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(status));
return 1;

return 0;
kill(pid, SIGKILL);
return 1;