On 2/7/19 9:09 AM, Edwin Zimmerman wrote:
On Thursday, February 07, 2019 8:50 AM Al Viro wrote:
On Thu, Feb 07, 2019 at 03:44:54PM +0300, Denis Efremov wrote:
The path_chmod hook was changed in the commit
"switch security_path_chmod() to struct path *" (cdcf116d44e7).
The argument @mnt was removed from the hook, @dentry was changed
to @path. This patch updates the documentation accordingly.
Signed-off-by: Denis Efremov <efremov@xxxxxxxxx>
 include/linux/lsm_hooks.h | 3 +--
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/include/linux/lsm_hooks.h b/include/linux/lsm_hooks.h
index cb93972257be..5d6428d0027b 100644
--- a/include/linux/lsm_hooks.h
+++ b/include/linux/lsm_hooks.h
@@ -304,8 +304,7 @@
ÂÂ *ÂÂÂ Return 0 if permission is granted.
ÂÂ * @path_chmod:
ÂÂ *ÂÂÂ Check for permission to change DAC's permission of a file or directory.
- *ÂÂÂ @dentry contains the dentry structure.
- *ÂÂÂ @mnt contains the vfsmnt structure.
+ *ÂÂÂ @path contains the path structure.
May I politely inquire about the value of these comments? How much information
is provided by refering to an argument as "the dentry structure" or "the path
structure", especially when there's nothing immediately above that would introduce
either. "Type of 'dentry' argument is somehow related to struct dentry,
try and guess what the value might be - we don't care, we just need every
argument commented"?
Who needs that crap in the first place?
The comments fill a valuable place to folks like me who are new to the linux security modules.
In my spare time, I'm writing a new LSM specifically geared for parental controls uses, and the
comments in lsm_hooks.h have helped me out more than once. Perhaps the comments could
be inproved by changing them to something like this:
"@[arg] contains the [type] structure, defined in linux/[?].h"
I don't think so. The point is not what type of structure but what object is being passed and why is it relevant to the hook, e.g.
+ @path contains the path structure for the file whose permissions are being modified
or similar.