Re: [PATCH v1] regulator: core: Log forbidden DRMS operation

From: Mark Brown
Date: Wed Feb 20 2019 - 06:13:46 EST

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 05:02:46PM +0100, Marc Gonzalez wrote:
> When REGULATOR_CHANGE_DRMS is not set, drms_uA_update is a no-op.
> It used to print a debug message, which was dropped in commit
> 8a34e979f684 ("regulator: refactor valid_ops_mask checking code")

> Let's bring the debug message back as KERN_INFO, because it is very
> useful to diagnose missing regulator-allow-set-load properties.

No, it's perfectly normal for machine constraints to stop drivers from
doing things so we shouldn't warn on this - it would get incredibly
noisy if we started printing every time constraints didn't let us do
something at info level. Debug level might be viable, or definitely
vdbg or trace points.

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