[PATCH 0/2] Fix eMMC hang on rk3188 and earlier
From: Alexander Kochetkov
Date: Wed Mar 20 2019 - 13:48:25 EST
I found, that sometimes dw_mmc driver stop transfer data to
eMMC card on my rk3188 based board. One of tranfers hangs then
doing EDMA transfer and controller gives HTO. And here is a fix.
Alexander Kochetkov (2):
mmc: dw_mmc: add init_slot() hook to platform function table
mmc: dw_mmc-rockchip: fix transfer hangs on rk3188
drivers/mmc/host/dw_mmc-rockchip.c | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
drivers/mmc/host/dw_mmc.c | 4 ++++
drivers/mmc/host/dw_mmc.h | 2 ++
3 files changed, 25 insertions(+)