Am Dienstag, 26. MÃrz 2019, 14:49:16 CET schrieb Katsuhiro Suzuki:
Hello Robin,
Sorry for inconvenience. Since I don't adhere enabling DMA for UARTs,
please revert my patch if you need.
I've dropped the patch from my queue now.
BTW, there are DMA properties in RK3328 device-tree like as this patch.
RK3328 UART DMA could not work correctly too...??
I remember Rockcihip dma-controllers having issues with burst-sizes
and flushing (there is a no-flushp option in pl330), so it's
possible that all share the same error up to rk3399 and rk3328
But so far no-one has shouted regarding the rk3328.