I'm in the process now of planning Automated Testing Summit 2019,
which is tentatively planned for Lyon, France on October 31. This is
the day after Embedded Linux Conference Europe and Open Source Summit
Europe, in Lyon. I've been working with the
Linux Foundation event staff to set this up.
The focus of that event is test standards, including standards for
test definition, results formats, lab and board management, and APIs
between elements of the Automated Testing and CI stack.
I think that the set of things to discuss is somewhat different
between the Plumbers testing microconference and ATS. But I hope that
I'm not fragmenting the space too much.
With regards to the Testing microconference at Plumbers, I would like
to do a presentation on the current status of test standards and test
framework interoperability. We recently had some good meetings
between the LAVA and Fuego people at Linaro Connect
on this topic.