PSA: Do not use "Reported-By" without reporter's approval

From: Konstantin Ryabitsev
Date: Wed May 22 2019 - 15:33:03 EST

Hello, all:

It is common courtesy to include this tagline when submitting patches:
Reported-By: J. Doe <jdoe@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Please ask the reporter's permission before doing so (even if they'd submitted a public bugzilla report or sent a report to the mailing list). They need to understand and agree that:

- their name and email address will become a permanent, non-excisable part of the Linux Kernel git history
- their name and email address will be stored on multiple public archival copies of the linux kernel mailing list, collected and managed by different legal entities

With or without GDPR laws, this is something the reporter needs to be aware of and they need to be okay with it, as a matter of courtesy.
