[PATCH 0/2] pinctl: armada-37xx: fix for pins 32+

From: alpawi
Date: Tue Jun 18 2019 - 12:06:25 EST

From: Patrick Williams <alpawi@xxxxxxxxxx>

The 37xx GPIO config registers are only 32 bits long and
span 2 registers for the NB GPIO controller. The function
to calculate the offset was missing the increase to the
config register.

I have tested both raw gpio access and interrupts using
libgpiod utilities on an Espressonbin.

The first patch is a simple rename of a function because
the original name implied it was doing IO itself ("update
reg"). This patch could be dropped if undesired.

The second patch contains the fix for GPIOs 32+.

Patrick Williams (2):
pinctrl: armada-37xx: rename reg-offset function
pinctrl: armada-37xx: fix control of pins 32 and up

drivers/pinctrl/mvebu/pinctrl-armada-37xx.c | 20 ++++++++++----------
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

2.17.2 (Apple Git-113)