On Mon, Jul 08, 2019 at 07:22:45PM +0000, Mark Bloch wrote:OK, will do!
Yes, that is much better, please respin this
On 7/8/19 11:47 AM, Dag Moxnes wrote:
Thanks Jason,Sorry I'm late to the party, but why not just use: neigh_ha_snapshot()?
Den 08.07.2019 19:50, skrev Jason Gunthorpe:
On Mon, Jul 08, 2019 at 01:16:24PM +0200, Dag Moxnes wrote:
Use neighbour lock when copying MAC address from neighbour data structIt isn't nud_state that is the problem here, it is the parallel
in dst_fetch_ha.
When not using the lock, it is possible for the function to race with
neigh_update, causing it to copy an invalid MAC address.
It is possible to provoke this error by calling rdma_resolve_addr in a
tight loop, while deleting the corresponding ARP entry in another tight
This will cause the race shown it the following sample trace:
ÂÂ rdma_resolve_ip()
ÂÂÂÂ addr_resolve()
ÂÂÂÂÂÂ addr_resolve_neigh()
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ fetch_ha()
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ dst_fetch_ha()
memcpy's onto ha. I fixed the commit message
This could also have been solved by using the ha_lock, but I don't
think we have a reason to particularly over-optimize this.