Re: [net-next,rfc] net: bridge: mdb: Extend with multicast LLADDR
From: Nikolay Aleksandrov
Date: Fri Aug 02 2019 - 10:16:32 EST
On 02/08/2019 17:07, Allan W. Nielsen wrote:
> The 08/01/2019 17:07, Nikolay Aleksandrov wrote:
>>> To create a group for two of the front ports the following entries can
>>> be added:
>>> bridge mdb add dev br0 port eth0 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid 1
>>> bridge mdb add dev br0 port eth1 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid 1
>>> Now the entries will be display as following:
>>> dev br0 port eth0 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent offload vid 1
>>> dev br0 port eth1 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent offload vid 1
>>> This requires changes to iproute2 as well, see the follogin patch for that.
>>> Now if frame with dmac '01:00:00:00:00:04' will arrive at one of the front
>>> ports. If we have HW offload support, then the frame will be forwarded by
>>> the switch, and need not to go to the CPU. In a pure SW world, the frame is
>>> forwarded by the SW bridge, which will flooded it only the ports which are
>>> part of the group.
>>> So far so good. This is an important part of the problem we wanted to solve.
>>> But, there is one drawback of this approach. If you want to add two of the
>>> front ports and br0 to receive the frame then I can't see a way of doing it
>>> with the bridge mdb command. To do that it requireds many more changes to
>>> the existing code.
>>> Example:
>>> bridge mdb add dev br0 port eth0 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid 1
>>> bridge mdb add dev br0 port eth1 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid 1
>>> bridge mdb add dev br0 port br0 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid 1 // This looks wrong.
>>> We believe we come a long way by re-using the facilities in MDB (thanks for
>>> convincing us in doing this), but we are still not completely happy with
>>> the result.
>> Just add self argument for the bridge mdb command, no need to specify it twice.
> Like this:
> bridge mdb add dev br0 port eth1 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid self
What ?! No, that is not what I meant.
bridge mdb add dev br0 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid self
bridge mdb del dev br0 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid self
Similar to fdb. You don't need no-self..
I don't mind a different approach, this was just a suggestion. But please
without "no-self" :)
> Then if I want to remove br0 rom the group, should I then have a no-self, and
> then it becomes even more strange what to write in the port.
> bridge mdb add dev br0 port ?? grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid no-self
> ^^
> And, what if it is a group with only br0 (the traffic should go to br0 and
> not any of the slave interfaces)?
> Also, the 'self' keyword has different meanings in the 'bridge vlan' and the
> 'bridge fdb' commands where it refres to if the offload rule should be install
> in HW - or only in the SW bridge.
No, it shouldn't. Self means act on the device, in this case act on the bridge,
otherwise master is assumed.
> The proposed does not look pretty bad, but at least it will be possible to
> configured the different scenarios:
> bridge mdb add dev br0 port br0 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid 1
> bridge mdb del dev br0 port br0 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid 1
That works too, but the "port" part is redundant.
> The more I look at the "bridge mdb { add | del } dev DEV port PORT" command, the
> less I understand why do we have both 'dev' and 'port'? The implementation will
> only allow this if 'port' has become enslaved to the switch represented by
> 'dev'. Anyway, what is done is done, and we need to stay backwards compatible,
> but we could make it optional, and then it looks a bit less strange to allow the
> port to specify a br0.
> Like this:
> bridge mdb { add | del } [dev DEV] port PORT grp GROUP [ permanent | temp ] [ vid VID ]
> bridge mdb add port eth0 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid 1
> bridge mdb add port eth1 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid 1
> bridge mdb add port br0 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid 1 // Add br0 to the gruop
> bridge mdb del port br0 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid 1 // Delete it again
br0 is not a port, thus the "self" or just dev or whatever you choose..
> Alternative we could also make the port optional:
> bridge mdb { add | del } dev DEV [port PORT] grp GROUP [ permanent | temp ] [ vid VID ]
> bridge mdb add dev br0 port eth0 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid 1
> bridge mdb add dev br0 port eth1 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid 1
> bridge mdb add dev br0 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid 1 // Add br0 to the gruop
> bridge mdb del dev br0 grp 01:00:00:00:00:04 permanent vid 1 // Delete it again
Right. I read this one later. :)
> Any preferences?
Not really, up to you. Any of the above seem fine to me.
> /Allan