From: Dublond Eric
Date: Mon Sep 09 2019 - 06:39:44 EST
I want to inform you that I contacted another person from England who
assisted me to conclude the transaction, our bank has done the
transfer presently, I and my partner travelled to Switzerland for
I discussed with my partner that you assisted me in the past, although
we were not able to complete the transaction. I cannot forget your
past assistance, I and my partner agreed to reward you for your past
effort by offering you a bank ATM card that contains $500,000.00 as
your compensation for your effort in the past.
Before traveling to Switzerland, I drop the ATM card with Rev, Davis
Awugu the parish priest in my church.
I will advise you to contact Him through his email address For
delivery of your ATM CARD to you and tell him that i directed you to
His email contact's email address is, rev.davisawugu@xxxxxxxxx
County, Togo.
Lawyer Eric.