Re: [Letux-kernel] [RFC PATCH 0/3] Enable 1GHz support on omap36xx

From: H. Nikolaus Schaller
Date: Tue Sep 10 2019 - 15:55:51 EST


> Am 10.09.2019 um 20:51 schrieb H. Nikolaus Schaller <hns@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> it, but then I got some nasty errors and crashes.
>>> I have done the same but not (yet) seen a crash or error. Maybe you had
>>> a typo?
>> Can you send me an updated patch? I'd like to try to get where you
>> are that doesn't crash.
> Yes, as soon as I have access.

it turns out that my patch breaks cpufreq completely...
So it looks as if *I* have a typo :)

Hence I am likely running at constant speed and the
VDD1 regulator is fixed a 1.200V.

root@letux:~# dmesg|fgrep opp
[ 2.426208] cpu cpu0: opp_parse_supplies: Invalid number of elements in opp-microvolt property (6) with supplies (1)
[ 2.438140] cpu cpu0: _of_add_opp_table_v2: Failed to add OPP, -22
root@letux:~# cat /sys/class/regulator/regulator.8/microvolts

The error message looks as if we have to enable multi_regulator.
And that may need to rename cpu0-supply to vdd-supply (unless the
names can be configured).
