Re: (was Fair Trade O.S.) Varanger O-S

From: Ywe CÃrlyn
Date: Sat Oct 19 2019 - 06:09:40 EST

Lessened the licence strictness and updated this with a mixed licence point of view, as long as it respects the optimized commerciality of it. Politicans here want it aswell, and that is what I wanted since the 90s, and probably many here. (the whole spotify debate etc.)

The Com directory giving full access to all commercial files, without unnecessary usernames, for easy finding ones interests aswell, making this more commercial than ever.

:Com/Category/Subcategory/Country/12.500 km2 zone/Person/Groupings

Optimized principles overall giving a good O.S. This is the sensible conclusion, and what should happen with Source Available type systems.

Best Greetings,
Ywe CÃrlyn
Lead & Philosophy
Varanger O.S