Re: [PATCH] firmware loader: log path to loaded firmwares

From: Drew DeVault
Date: Sun Nov 03 2019 - 12:55:30 EST

On Sun Nov 3, 2019 at 6:50 PM Greg Kroah-Hartman wrote:
> And it's totally noisy :(
> Please just make this a debug call, that way you can turn it on
> dynamically if you really want to see what firmware is attempting to be
> loaded.

The typical setup won't need more than say, 10-20 firmwares? On my
system I need 13, and 12 of them are just for AMDGPU. In the 20 minutes
since I rebooted to this kernel, it constitutes less than 1% of my dmesg
volume, and will only get less so over time unless I start hotplugging
stuff (in which case, their respective drivers are likely to make noise,
too). In practice, I don't think it'll be especially noisy.

On the other hand, enabling debug logs just to get this information
would generate heaps of noise for a little bit of signal. This use-case
isn't the exceptional case for me, on my systems I only install the
firmwares I need so this is something I would reach for every time I set
up a new system.

> Also, if you have a 'struct device' you should always use the dev_*()
> calls instead, which will show you exactly what device is asking for
> what.
