Re: [PATCH 1/7] dt-bindings: gpu: mali-midgard: Tidy up conversion to YAML
From: Andreas Färber
Date: Wed Nov 06 2019 - 10:07:21 EST
Am Mittwoch, den 06.11.2019, 08:24 -0600 schrieb Rob Herring:
> On Sun, Nov 3, 2019 at 7:40 PM Andreas FÃrber <afaerber@xxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> > Instead of grouping alphabetically by third-party vendor, leading
> > to
> > one-element enums, sort by Mali model number, as done for Utgard.
> >
> > This already allows us to de-duplicate two "arm,mali-t760" sections
> > and
> > will make it easier to add new vendor compatibles.
> That was the intent. Not sure how I messed that up...
> This patch is problematic because there's changes in arm-soc juno/dt
> branch and there's now a patch for exynos5420 (t628). I'd propose I
> apply this such that we don't get a merge conflict with juno/dt and
> we
> finish resorting after rc1 (or when both branches are in Linus'
> tree).
This series has dependencies for the Realtek-side RFC patches and is
not yet ready to merge, so you can take this prep PATCH through your
tree for v5.6 probably, or feel free to rebase/rework as you see fit -
I'd just appreciate being credited at least via Reported-by. :)
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GF: Felix ImendÃrffer
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