RE: [PATCH] arm64: dts: realtek: Add Realtek rtd1619 and mjolnir

From: James Tai
Date: Sun Nov 17 2019 - 10:40:34 EST

Hi Andreas,

> > Sorry for my misunderstanding. The RAM region don't require two cells
> > for memory nodes, so I'll fix it in v3 patch.
> Should I then also change RTD1395 to use only one cell, or does it support
> more RAM than RTD1619?

Yes, you can. The memory capacity of RTD1395 and RTD1619 are the same.

> By my calculation 0x98000000 is less than 2.4 GiB! So, does RAM continue
> between r-bus and GIC, similar to how it does on RTD1195? Then we need to
> exclude those RAM ranges from the SoC node (adjusting 0x68000000).

We need to reserve memory address for r-bus and GIC and exclude those RAM range from the SoC node.