[PROBLEM] uvcvideo: Failed to query (GET_INFO) UVC control

From: Jeffrin Jose
Date: Sat Dec 07 2019 - 13:25:33 EST


i get this output piece from "dmesg -l err" of kernel 5.4.2

uvcvideo: Failed to query (GET_INFO) UVC control 6 on unit 1: -32 (exp. 1).
uvcvideo: Failed to query (GET_INFO) UVC control 7 on unit 1: -32 (exp. 1).

Additional information:
Linux debian 5.4.2 #17 SMP Sat Dec 7 01:39:12 IST 2019 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Relevant file:

software engineer
rajagiri school of engineering and technology