Re: [PATCH] sched/fair: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member

From: Valentin Schneider
Date: Thu Feb 13 2020 - 19:26:03 EST

On 13/02/2020 22:02, Joe Perches wrote:
> That might be a somewhat difficult thing to add to checkpatch
> as it is effectively a per-line scanner:
> Try something like:
> $ git grep -P -A1 '^\s*(?!return)(\w+\s+){1,3}\w+\[0\];' -- '*.[ch]'
> and look at the results.
> In checkpatch that could be something like:
> if ($line =~ /^.\s*$Type\s+$Ident\s*\[\s*0\s*\]\s*;/) {
> warn...
> }

So FWIW I felt like doing some coccinelle and ended up with this:

This patches up valid ZLAs:
$ spatch -D patch zero_length_array.cocci kernel/sched/fair.c

This prints out the location of invalid ZLAs:
$ spatch -D report zero_length_array.cocci kernel/sched/fair.c

virtual patch
virtual report

@valid_zla depends on patch@
identifier struct_name;
type T;
identifier zla;
position pos;
struct struct_name {
T zla@pos
- [0];
+ [];

@invalid_zla depends on report@
identifier struct_name;
type T1;
identifier zla;
type T2;
identifier tail;
position pos;
struct struct_name {
T1 zla[0]@pos;
T2 tail;

@script:python depends on invalid_zla@
pos << invalid_zla.pos;
@@[0], "Invalid ZLA!");