For perf report on stripped binaries it is currently impossible to doThis might be an add on...
annotation. The annotation state is all tied to symbols, but there are
either no symbols, or symbols are not covering all the code.
We should support the annotation functionality even without symbols.
This patch fakes a symbol and the symbol name is the string of address.
After that, we just follow current annotation working flow.
For example,
1. perf report
Overhead Command Shared Object Symbol
20.67% div [.] __random_r
17.29% div [.] __random
10.59% div div [.] 0x0000000000000628
9.25% div div [.] 0x0000000000000612
6.11% div div [.] 0x0000000000000645
2. Select the line of "10.59% div div [.] 0x0000000000000628" and ENTER.
Annotate 0x0000000000000628
Zoom into div thread
Zoom into div DSO (use the 'k' hotkey to zoom directly into the kernel)
Browse map details
Run scripts for samples of symbol [0x0000000000000628]
Run scripts for all samples
Switch to another data file in PWD
3. Select the "Annotate 0x0000000000000628" and ENTER.
â Disassembly of section .text:
â 0000000000000628 <.text+0x68>:
â divsd %xmm4,%xmm0
â divsd %xmm3,%xmm1
â movsd (%rsp),%xmm2
â addsd %xmm1,%xmm0
â addsd %xmm2,%xmm0
â movsd %xmm0,(%rsp)