Re: [PATCH v4] netdev attribute to control xdpgeneric skb linearization
From: Toke HÃiland-JÃrgensen
Date: Fri Feb 28 2020 - 06:20:40 EST
Luigi Rizzo <lrizzo@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Add a netdevice flag to control skb linearization in generic xdp mode.
> The attribute can be modified through
> /sys/class/net/<DEVICE>/xdpgeneric_linearize
> The default is 1 (on)
> Motivation: xdp expects linear skbs with some minimum headroom, and
> generic xdp calls skb_linearize() if needed. The linearization is
> expensive, and may be unnecessary e.g. when the xdp program does
> not need access to the whole payload.
> This sysfs entry allows users to opt out of linearization on a
> per-device basis (linearization is still performed on cloned skbs).
> On a kernel instrumented to grab timestamps around the linearization
> code in netif_receive_generic_xdp, and heavy netperf traffic with 1500b
> mtu, I see the following times (nanoseconds/pkt)
> The receiver generally sees larger packets so the difference is more
> significant.
> p50 p90 p99 p50 p90 p99
> LINEARIZATION: 600ns 1090ns 4900ns 149ns 249ns 460ns
> NO LINEARIZATION: 40ns 59ns 90ns 40ns 50ns 100ns
> v1 --> v2 : added Documentation
> v2 --> v3 : adjusted for skb_cloned
> v3 --> v4 : renamed to xdpgeneric_linearize, documentation
> Signed-off-by: Luigi Rizzo <lrizzo@xxxxxxxxxx>
Acked-by: Toke HÃiland-JÃrgensen <toke@xxxxxxxxxx>