Was: Fair Pay In Cyberspace - now I/T x

From: Ywe CÃrlyn
Date: Sat Mar 14 2020 - 23:48:42 EST

IÂve tried to trendspot what will happen, and also tried a bi/gay channel. Some want this, and a B-G Church, with trinity and so forth.

Here we clearly see a separation of scientific viewpoint, and required coherence, and christian religion.

I tried this channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3LEfq-7SMcS545nmOIfAtQ

Bi & Gay O' Triune áYR !

To get an impression of what we are dealing with, and if you support this channel, you will also get your B-G Church, and everything the 70s hippies were about.

While ofcourse I get my scientific viewpoint, and coherence, and do not at all believe there is something wrong with scientific observations of the universe.

It does however fit a gay viewpoint, belonging to a church of áYR, to gain attention for gay sex.

They will now get that, and we will get our rational system, and required viewpoint.

-- That should be the final item, on the way towards I/T x.
