RE: [PATCH v4] tools/perf/metricgroup: Fix printing event names of metric group with multiple events incase of overlapping events
From: Joakim Zhang
Date: Fri Mar 20 2020 - 02:48:09 EST
> >>> Hi Kajol,
> >>>
> >>> I am not sure if it is good to ask a question here :-)
> >>>
> >>> I encountered a perf metricgroup issue, the result is incorrect when
> >>> the
> >> metric includes more than 2 events.
> >>>
> >>> git log --oneline tools/perf/util/metricgroup.c
> >>> 3635b27cc058 perf metricgroup: Fix printing event names of metric
> >>> group with multiple events f01642e4912b perf metricgroup: Support
> >>> multiple events for metricgroup
> >>> 287f2649f791 perf metricgroup: Scale the metric result
> >>>
> >>> I did a simple test, below is the JSON file and result.
> >>> [
> >>> {
> >>> "PublicDescription": "Calculate DDR0 bus actual
> >>> utilization
> >> which vary from DDR0 controller clock frequency",
> >>> "BriefDescription": "imx8qm: ddr0 bus actual utilization",
> >>> "MetricName": "imx8qm-ddr0-bus-util",
> >>> "MetricExpr": "( imx8_ddr0\\/read\\-cycles\\/ +
> >> imx8_ddr0\\/write\\-cycles\\/ )",
> >>> "MetricGroup": "i.MX8QM_DDR0_BUS_UTIL"
> >>> }
> >>> ]
> >>> ./perf stat -I 1000 -M imx8qm-ddr0-bus-util
> >>> # time counts unit events
> >>> 1.000104250 16720 imx8_ddr0/read-cycles/
> >> # 22921.0 imx8qm-ddr0-bus-util
> >>> 1.000104250 6201
> imx8_ddr0/write-cycles/
> >>> 2.000525625 8316 imx8_ddr0/read-cycles/
> >> # 12785.5 imx8qm-ddr0-bus-util
> >>> 2.000525625 2738
> imx8_ddr0/write-cycles/
> >>> 3.000819125 1056 imx8_ddr0/read-cycles/
> >> # 4136.7 imx8qm-ddr0-bus-util
> >>> 3.000819125 303
> imx8_ddr0/write-cycles/
> >>> 4.001103750 6260 imx8_ddr0/read-cycles/
> >> # 9149.8 imx8qm-ddr0-bus-util
> >>> 4.001103750 2317
> imx8_ddr0/write-cycles/
> >>> 5.001392750 2084 imx8_ddr0/read-cycles/
> >> # 4516.0 imx8qm-ddr0-bus-util
> >>> 5.001392750 601
> imx8_ddr0/write-cycles/
> >>>
> >>> You can see that only the first result is correct, could this be
> >>> reproduced at
> >> you side?
> >>
> >> Hi Joakim,
> >> Will try to look into it from my side.
> >
> > Thanks Kajol for your help, I look into this issue, but don't know how to fix it.
> >
> > The results are always correct if signal event used in "MetricExpr" with "-I"
> parameters, but the results are incorrect when more than one events used in
> "MetricExpr".
> >
> Hi Joakim,
> So, I try to look into this issue and understand the flow. From my
> understanding, whenever we do
> calculation of metric expression we don't use exact count we are getting.
> Basically we use mean value of each event in the calculation of metric
> expression.
> So, I am taking same example you refer.
> Metric Event: imx8qm-ddr0-bus-util
> MetricExpr": "( imx8_ddr0\\/read\\-cycles\\/ + imx8_ddr0\\/write\\-cycles\\/ )"
> command#: ./perf stat -I 1000 -M imx8qm-ddr0-bus-util
> # time counts unit events
> 1.000104250 16720 imx8_ddr0/read-cycles/
> # 22921.0 imx8qm-ddr0-bus-util
> 1.000104250 6201 imx8_ddr0/write-cycles/
> 2.000525625 8316 imx8_ddr0/read-cycles/
> # 12785.5 imx8qm-ddr0-bus-util
> 2.000525625 2738 imx8_ddr0/write-cycles/
> 3.000819125 1056 imx8_ddr0/read-cycles/
> # 4136.7 imx8qm-ddr0-bus-util
> 3.000819125 303 imx8_ddr0/write-cycles/
> 4.001103750 6260 imx8_ddr0/read-cycles/
> # 9149.8 imx8qm-ddr0-bus-util
> 4.001103750 2317 imx8_ddr0/write-cycles/
> 5.001392750 2084 imx8_ddr0/read-cycles/
> # 4516.0 imx8qm-ddr0-bus-util
> 5.001392750 601 imx8_ddr0/write-cycles/
> If you see we have a function called 'update_stats' in file util/stat.c where we
> do this calculation and updating stats->mean value. And this mean value is
> what we are using actually in our metric expression calculation.
> We call this function in each iteration where we update stats->mean and
> stats->n for each event.
> But one weird issue is, for very first event, stat->n is always 1 that is why we
> are getting mean same as count.
> So this is the reason for single event you get exact aggregate of metric
> expression.
> So doesn't matter how many events you have in your metric expression, every
> time you take exact count for first one and normalized value for rest which is
> weird.
> According to update_stats function: We are updating mean as:
> stats->mean += delta / stats->n where, delta = val - stats->mean.
> If we take write-cycles here. Initially mean = 0 and n = 1.
> 1st iteration: n=1, write cycle : 6201 and mean = 6201 (Final agg value: 16720
> + 6201 = 22921) 2nd iteration: n=2, write cycles: 6201 + (2738 - 6201)/2 =
> 4469.5 (Final aggr value: 8316 + 4469.5 = 12785.5) 3rd iteration: n=3, write
> cycles: 4469.5 + (303 - 4469.5)/3 = 3080.6667 (Final aggr value: 1056 +
> 3080.6667 = 4136.7)
> Andi and Jiri, I am not sure if its expected behavior. I mean shouldn't we either
> take mean value of each event or take n as 1 for each event. And one more
> question, Should we add an option to say whether user want exact aggregate
> or this normalize aggregate to remove the confusion? I try to find it out if we
> already have one but didn't get.
> Please let me know if my understanding is fine.
Hi Kajol,
Sorry, your reply was buried in a sea of emails, it comes into my eyes when I searched any feedback from you. Much thanks for your great details!!!!!
I can quite understand what you explained. As a user, I think we always want to get the exact result according to the metric expression.
Can you take this case as an example then send out a formal email into mailing list to reflect this weird issue, more people can participate and discuss about it. Or you need me clear up and sent out the email?
This could attract maintainers' attention.
Best Regards,
Joakim Zhang