Re: [PATCH 2/4] serdev: ngsm-motmdm: Add Motorola TS 27.010 serdev modem driver for droid4

From: Pavel Machek
Date: Sun Mar 22 2020 - 18:09:14 EST


> Many Motorola phones are controlling the modem using a custom variant
> of TS 27.010 serial line discipline. Devices on these modems have a
> dedicated TS 27.010 channel for features like audio mixer, GNSS, voice
> modem, SIM card reader and so on.

I get warning here while applying:

Applying: serdev: ngsm-motmdm: Add Motorola TS 27.010 serdev modem
driver for droid4
.git/rebase-apply/patch:22: new blank line at EOF.

Best regards,

(cesky, pictures)

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