Re: [PATCH] btrfs: Fix backref.c selftest compilation warning

From: Tang Bin
Date: Sat Apr 11 2020 - 23:20:33 EST

Hi Qu:

On 2020/4/12 8:52, Qu Wenruo wrote:

On 2020/4/11 äå11:49, Tang Bin wrote:
Fix missing braces compilation warning in the ARM
compiler environment:
fs/btrfs/backref.c: In function âis_shared_data_backrefâ:
fs/btrfs/backref.c:394:9: warning: missing braces around initializer [-Wmissing-braces]
struct prelim_ref target = {0};
fs/btrfs/backref.c:394:9: warning: (near initialization for âtarget.rbnodeâ) [-Wmissing-braces]
GCC version please.

It looks like you're using an older GCC, as it's pretty common certain
prebuild tool chain is still using outdated GCC.

In my environment with GCC 9.2.0 natively (on aarch64) it's completely fine.
Thus personally I recommend to build your own tool chain using
buildroot, or run it natively, other than rely on prebuilt one.

My environment:

 PC : Ubuntu 16.04

 Hardware : I.MX6ULL

 Tool Chain : arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc (Linaro GCC 4.9-2017.01) 4.9.4

In fact your fix could cause problem, as the original code is
initializing all members to 0, but now it's uninitialized.

You need to locate the root cause other than blindly follow the warning.

In hardware experiment, this approach is feasible.


Tang Bin