Re: [PATCH v2] x86: fix early boot crash on gcc-10

From: Borislav Petkov
Date: Wed Apr 15 2020 - 03:48:54 EST

On Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 01:50:29PM +0000, Michael Matz wrote:
> So this part expects that the caller (!) of trace_hardirqs_on was compiled
> with a frame pointer (in %ebp).

/me looks at the .s file...

options passed comment at the top has -fno-omit-frame-pointer

> Obviously that's not the case as you traced above. Is start_secondary
> the immediate caller in the above case?

Yes, start_secondary() is the function which is marked as
__attribute__((optimize("-fno-stack-protector"))) and it does:

# arch/x86/kernel/smpboot.c:264: local_irq_enable();
call trace_hardirqs_on #

(the local_irq_enable() is a macro which has the call to

> Look at it's disassembly. If it doesn't have the usual push
> %ebp/mov%esp,%ebp prologue it probably doesn't use a frame pointer.

Here's the preamble:

.p2align 4
.type start_secondary, @function
pushl %esi #
pushl %ebx #
subl $28, %esp #,
# arch/x86/kernel/smpboot.c:226: cr4_init();
call cr4_init #

Those two pushes on entry are for callee-saved regs, AFAICT, because it
is going to use them later. But no frame setup.

> In that case I would speculate that having a frame pointer
> was (before the change above) only a side-effect of being
> compiled with -fstack-protector, which got now disabled.

Looks like it. And that's 32-bit. 64-bit variant of this looks more like it:

.p2align 4
.type start_secondary, @function
pushq %rbp #
subq $8, %rsp #,

although it doesn't save %rsp on the stack. I think it leaves space on
the stack for the canary but I'm not sure.

> But I was under the impression that the upstream kernels build with
> -fno-omit-frame-pointer, so that sounds unexpected.

Yap, see above.

> But I have no better explanation at the moment. If the above
> speculation doesn't make you progress: preprocessed file and a note of
> what the immediate caller of trace_hardirqs_on is in the above case,
> please.

Ok, I'll find you on IRC to talk details.

