Re: [PATCH] rtc: Do not sync CMOS clock when CONFIG_RTC_SYSTOHC is not set

From: Thomas Gleixner
Date: Mon Apr 27 2020 - 05:30:49 EST

Leonid Bloch <lb.workbox@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> According to documentation in 'drivers/rtc/Kconfig', if
> 'CONFIG_RTC_SYSTOHC' is set, then:
> '''
> The system time (wall clock) will be stored in the RTC specified by
> RTC_HCTOSYS_DEVICE approximately every 11 minutes if userspace reports
> synchronized NTP status.
> '''
> However in reality, even if 'CONFIG_RTC_SYSTOHC' is not set, the RTC
> is still sometimes synced with the system time: at least when the RTC
> driver is 'rtc_cmos', in certain situations. This commit prevents
> that.

But in reality sync_cmos_clock() depends on CONFIG_GENERIC_CMOS_UPDATE
and has nothing to do with CONFIG_RTC_SYSTOHC.

That's a historical leftover from the days where RTCs were strictly a
platform/architecture specific issue.

Your change would break all architectures which still depend on that.

