On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 09:04:44AM +0800, Jin Yao wrote:
compute_flag div.c:25 compute_flag div.c:25
compute_flag div.c:22 compute_flag div.c:22
main div.c:40 main div.c:40
main div.c:40 main div.c:40
main div.c:39 main div.c:39*
[ Hot chains in old perf data only ]
hot chain 1:
cycles: 2, hits: 4.08%
main div.c:42
compute_flag div.c:28
[ Hot chains in new perf data only ]
hot chain 1:
cycles: 36, hits: 3.36%
__random_r random_r.c:357
__random random.c:293
__random random.c:293
__random random.c:291
__random random.c:291
__random random.c:291
__random random.c:288
rand rand.c:27
rand rand.c:26
compute_flag div.c:25
compute_flag div.c:22
main div.c:40
main div.c:40
Now we can see, following streams pair is moved to another section
"[ Hot chains in old perf data but source line changed (*) in new perf data ]"
cycles: 1, hits: 26.80% cycles: 1, hits: 27.30%
--------------------------- --------------------------
main div.c:39 main div.c:39*
main div.c:44 main div.c:44
so I tried following:
# ./perf record -e cycles:u -b ./perf bench sched pipe
# ./perf record -e cycles:u -b ./perf bench sched pipe
# ./perf diff -f --stream --before $PWD --after $PWD >out 2>&1
and the out file looks like this:
[ Matched hot chains between old perf data and new perf data ]
[ Hot chains in old perf data but source line changed (*) in new perf data ]
[ Hot chains in old perf data only ]
hot chain 1:
cycles: 0, hits: 4.20%
hot chain 2:
cycles: 0, hits: 4.11%
hot chain 3:
cycles: 0, hits: 8.22%
hot chain 4:
cycles: 0, hits: 5.54%
hot chain 5:
cycles: 0, hits: 6.10%
[ Hot chains in new perf data only ]
hot chain 1:
cycles: 0, hits: 5.21%
hot chain 2:
cycles: 0, hits: 4.79%
hot chain 3:
cycles: 0, hits: 5.44%
hot chain 4:
cycles: 0, hits: 5.50%
hot chain 5:
cycles: 0, hits: 7.14%
I'd expected more common paths, from what I can see from 'perf report --branch-history'
on bpth perf.data and perf.data.old