Re: [PATCH v8 8/8] powerpc/vdso: Provide __kernel_clock_gettime64() on vdso32

From: Christophe Leroy
Date: Sat May 09 2020 - 11:54:37 EST

Le 28/04/2020 Ã 18:05, Arnd Bergmann a ÃcritÂ:
On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 3:16 PM Christophe Leroy
<christophe.leroy@xxxxxx> wrote:

Provides __kernel_clock_gettime64() on vdso32. This is the
64 bits version of __kernel_clock_gettime() which is
y2038 compliant.

Signed-off-by: Christophe Leroy <christophe.leroy@xxxxxx>

Looks good to me

Reviewed-by: Arnd Bergmann <arnd@xxxxxxxx>

There was a bug on ARM for the corresponding function, so far it is unclear
if this was a problem related to particular hardware, the 32-bit kernel code,
or the common implementation of clock_gettime64 in the vdso library,

Just to be sure that powerpc is not affected by the same issue, can you
confirm that repeatedly calling clock_gettime64 on powerpc32, alternating
between vdso and syscall, results in monotically increasing times?

I think that's one of the things vdsotest checks, so yes that's ok I think.
