Re: [PATCH v29 00/20] Intel SGX foundations

From: Sean Christopherson
Date: Thu May 14 2020 - 12:16:02 EST

On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 04:16:37AM -0500, Dr. Greg wrote:
> What we would recommend at this point is that you and Jarkko do the
> Linux community and beyond a favor and wire up a simple kernel
> command-line parameter that controls the ability of the driver to be
> used, ie. enables/disables access to /dev/sgx/enclave.

I'm not opposed to adding a kernel param to disable SGX. At one point
there was a proposal to extend clearcpuid to allow disabling multiple
feature bits, but it looks like that went the way of the dodo.

Note, such a param would disable SGX entirely, e.g. clear the feature bit
in /proc/cpuinfo and prevent any in-kernel SGX code from running.