Re: [PATCH V4 1/2] mtd: rawnand: qcom: avoid write to unavailable register
From: Miquel Raynal
Date: Mon Jun 15 2020 - 04:49:56 EST
Hi Sivaprakash,
Sivaprakash Murugesan <sivaprak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on Fri, 12 Jun
2020 13:28:15 +0530:
> SFLASHC_BURST_CFG is only available on older ipq nand platforms, this
> register has been removed when the NAND controller is moved as part of qpic
> controller.
> Avoid writing this register on devices which are based on qpic NAND
> controller.
> Fixes: dce84760 (mtd: nand: qcom: Support for IPQ8074 QPIC NAND controller)
The Fixes line is not properly formed: the number of digest digits must
be 12 and the title should be enclosed with "". I will fix when