Re: [RFC PATCH v2 2/5] scsi: ufs: Add UFS-feature layer
From: Alim Akhtar
Date: Wed Jun 17 2020 - 05:54:00 EST
Hi Bean,
On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 3:12 PM Bean Huo <huobean@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > HPB1.0 isn't part of ufs3.1, but published only later.
> > > Allowing earlier versions will required to quirk the descriptor
> > > sizes.
> > > I see Bean's point here, but I vote for adding it in a single
> > > quirk, when the time comes.
> > >
> >
> > I second Avri here, older devices need a quirk to handle, let do that
> > as a separate patch.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Avri
> >
> >
> what is useful point of adding a quirk for this?
> From the customer side piont, they just get our FW image, and then do
> FFU. If adding a quirk here, that means they also need to change UFS
> driver. Also, you expand the qurik structure.
> from cambridge dictionary:
> Qurik:
> an unusual habit or part of someone's personality, or something
> that
> is strange and unexpected.
> HPB feature is unexpected??
> please tell me the useful point of adding a Quirk.
The point is not about adding a quirk per say, it's about doing that
as a separate patch so that we know which device/ features are added
and why it is added. Please understand there is no denial about your
proposal or thought.
> Bean
> >