Re: [PATCH v3 00/17] perf: ftrace enhancement

From: Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo
Date: Wed Jul 08 2020 - 13:40:06 EST

Em Thu, Jul 09, 2020 at 12:45:48AM +0800, Changbin Du escreveu:
> Here is a glance of all ftrace functions with this serias:
> $ sudo perf ftrace -h

> Usage: perf ftrace [<options>] [<command>]
> or: perf ftrace [<options>] -- <command> [<options>]
> -a, --all-cpus system-wide collection from all CPUs
> -C, --cpu <cpu> list of cpus to monitor
> -d, --delay <n> ms to wait before starting tracing after program start
> -D, --graph-depth <n>
> Max depth for function graph tracer (This option is deprecated)
> -F, --funcs Show available functions to filter
> -G, --graph-funcs <func>
> trace given functions using function_graph tracer
> -g, --nograph-funcs <func>
> Set nograph filter on given functions
> -m, --buffer-size <size>
> size of per cpu buffer
> -N, --notrace-funcs <func>
> do not trace given functions
> -p, --pid <pid> trace on existing process id
> -t, --tid <tid> trace on existing thread id (exclusive to --pid)
> -T, --trace-funcs <func>
> trace given functions using function tracer
> -t, --tracer <tracer>
> tracer to use: function or function_graph (This option is deprecated)
> -v, --verbose be more verbose
> --func-opts <options>
> function tracer options, available options: call-graph,irq-info
> --graph-opts <options>
> graph tracer options, available options: nosleep-time,noirqs,verbose,thresh=<n>,depth=<n>
> --inherit trace children processes
> v3:
> o add --func-opts and --graph-opts to set tracer specific options.
> o support units as a suffix for option '-m/--buffer-size'.

Thanks for working on this! -d/--delay:

[acme@quaco perf]$ perf record -h delay

Usage: perf record [<options>] [<command>]
or: perf record [<options>] -- <command> [<options>]

-D, --delay <n> ms to wait before starting measurement after program start

[acme@quaco perf]$

[acme@quaco perf]$ perf stat -h --delay

Usage: perf stat [<options>] [<command>]

-D, --delay <n> ms to wait before starting measurement after program start

[acme@quaco perf]$

[acme@quaco perf]$ perf trace -h -D

Usage: perf trace [<options>] [<command>]
or: perf trace [<options>] -- <command> [<options>]
or: perf trace record [<options>] [<command>]
or: perf trace record [<options>] -- <command> [<options>]

-D, --delay <n> ms to wait before starting measurement after program start

Perhaps we can move --graph-depth to --graph-opts and make -D/--delay be
just like with 'perf record', 'perf stat' and 'perf trace'?

Will be super nice if one can go from:

perf stat --delay 100 workload

to see the default set of counters to:

perf ftrace --delay 100 workload

to get the ftrace output for that.

Ditto seeing the syscalls strace-like with:

perf trace --delay 100 workload


- Arnaldo