Re: [PATCH] ssb: Replace HTTP links with HTTPS ones
From: Kalle Valo
Date: Wed Jul 15 2020 - 12:47:34 EST
"Alexander A. Klimov" <grandmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Rationale:
> Reduces attack surface on kernel devs opening the links for MITM
> as HTTPS traffic is much harder to manipulate.
> Deterministic algorithm:
> For each file:
> If not .svg:
> For each line:
> If doesn't contain `\bxmlns\b`:
> For each link, `\bhttp://[^# \t\r\n]*(?:\w|/)`:
> If neither `\bgnu\.org/license`, nor `\bmozilla\.org/MPL\b`:
> If both the HTTP and HTTPS versions
> return 200 OK and serve the same content:
> Replace HTTP with HTTPS.
> Signed-off-by: Alexander A. Klimov <grandmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Patch applied to wireless-drivers-next.git, thanks.
0db5bc7b3447 ssb: Replace HTTP links with HTTPS ones