[PATCH for v5.9] RDS: Replace HTTP links with HTTPS ones
From: Alexander A. Klimov
Date: Sun Jul 19 2020 - 11:59:03 EST
Reduces attack surface on kernel devs opening the links for MITM
as HTTPS traffic is much harder to manipulate.
Deterministic algorithm:
For each file:
If not .svg:
For each line:
If doesn't contain `\bxmlns\b`:
For each link, `\bhttp://[^# \t\r\n]*(?:\w|/)`:
If neither `\bgnu\.org/license`, nor `\bmozilla\.org/MPL\b`:
If both the HTTP and HTTPS versions
return 200 OK and serve the same content:
Replace HTTP with HTTPS.
Signed-off-by: Alexander A. Klimov <grandmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Continuing my work started at 93431e0607e5.
See also: git log --oneline '--author=Alexander A. Klimov <grandmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxx>' v5.7..master
(Actually letting a shell for loop submit all this stuff for me.)
If there are any URLs to be removed completely
or at least not (just) HTTPSified:
Just clearly say so and I'll *undo my change*.
See also: https://lkml.org/lkml/2020/6/27/64
If there are any valid, but yet not changed URLs:
See: https://lkml.org/lkml/2020/6/26/837
If you apply the patch, please let me know.
Sorry again to all maintainers who complained about subject lines.
Now I realized that you want an actually perfect prefixes,
not just subsystem ones.
I tried my best...
And yes, *I could* (at least half-)automate it.
Impossible is nothing! :)
Documentation/networking/rds.rst | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/Documentation/networking/rds.rst b/Documentation/networking/rds.rst
index 44936c27ab3a..c80d832509e2 100644
--- a/Documentation/networking/rds.rst
+++ b/Documentation/networking/rds.rst
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ This readme tries to provide some background on the hows and whys of RDS,
and will hopefully help you find your way around the code.
In addition, please see this email about RDS origins:
RDS Architecture