Re: [PATCH 22/28] sgiseeq: convert from dma_cache_sync to dma_sync_single_for_device

From: Thomas Bogendoerfer
Date: Tue Sep 01 2020 - 13:38:56 EST

On Tue, Sep 01, 2020 at 07:16:27PM +0200, Christoph Hellwig wrote:
> Well, if IP22 doesn't speculate (which I'm pretty sure is the case),
> dma_sync_single_for_cpu should indeeed be a no-op. But then there
> also shouldn't be anything in the cache, as the previous
> dma_sync_single_for_device should have invalidated it. So it seems like
> we are missing one (or more) ownership transfers to the device. I'll
> try to look at the the ownership management in a little more detail
> tomorrow.

this is the problem:

/* Always check for received packets. */
sgiseeq_rx(dev, sp, hregs, sregs);

so the driver will look at the rx descriptor on every interrupt, so
we cache the rx descriptor on the first interrupt and if there was
$no rx packet, we will only see it, if cache line gets flushed for
some other reason. kick_tx() does a busy loop checking tx descriptors,
with just sync_desc_cpu...


Crap can work. Given enough thrust pigs will fly, but it's not necessarily a
good idea. [ RFC1925, 2.3 ]