Re: [PATCH v1 6/8] x86/tsc: Use seqcount_latch_t

From: peterz
Date: Mon Sep 07 2020 - 13:31:34 EST

On Mon, Sep 07, 2020 at 06:29:13PM +0200, Ahmed S. Darwish wrote:

> I've been unsuccessful in reproducing this huge, 200+ bytes, difference.
> Can I please get the defconfig and GCC version?

I think I lost the config and it's either gcc-9.3 or gcc-10, I can't

I just tried with:

make defconfig
./scripts/config --enable PREEMPT --enable DEBUG_ATOMIC_SLEEP
make oldconfig

And that reproduces things a little, but nowhere near as horrible as I
reported. Clearly I had something mad enabled by accident.

> Here are the two competing implementations:
> noinline void cyc2ns_read_begin_v1(struct cyc2ns_data *data)
> {
> seqcount_latch_t *seqcount;
> int seq, idx;
> preempt_disable_notrace();
> seqcount = &this_cpu_ptr(&cyc2ns)->seq;
> do {
> seq = raw_read_seqcount_latch(seqcount);
> idx = seq & 1;
> data->cyc2ns_offset = this_cpu_read([idx].cyc2ns_offset);
> data->cyc2ns_mul = this_cpu_read([idx].cyc2ns_mul);
> data->cyc2ns_shift = this_cpu_read([idx].cyc2ns_shift);
> } while (read_seqcount_latch_retry(seqcount, seq));
> }
> noinline void cyc2ns_read_begin_v2(struct cyc2ns_data *data)
> {
> int seq, idx;
> preempt_disable_notrace();
> do {
> seq = this_cpu_read(cyc2ns.seq.seqcount.sequence);
> idx = seq & 1;
> data->cyc2ns_offset = this_cpu_read([idx].cyc2ns_offset);
> data->cyc2ns_mul = this_cpu_read([idx].cyc2ns_mul);
> data->cyc2ns_shift = this_cpu_read([idx].cyc2ns_shift);
> } while (unlikely(seq != this_cpu_read(cyc2ns.seq.seqcount.sequence)));
> }

Don't look at this function in isolation, look at native_sched_clock()
where it's used as a whole.

What happened (afaict) is that the change caused it to use more
registers and ended up spiling crap on the stack.

GCC-9.3 gives me:

(this_cpu variant)

0000 0000000000000c00 <native_sched_clock>:
0000 c00: e9 65 00 00 00 jmpq c6a <native_sched_clock+0x6a>
0005 c05: 0f 31 rdtsc
0007 c07: 48 c1 e2 20 shl $0x20,%rdx
000b c0b: 48 09 c2 or %rax,%rdx
000e c0e: 65 ff 05 00 00 00 00 incl %gs:0x0(%rip) # c15 <native_sched_clock+0x15>
0011 c11: R_X86_64_PC32 __preempt_count-0x4
0015 c15: 65 44 8b 05 00 00 00 mov %gs:0x0(%rip),%r8d # c1d <native_sched_clock+0x1d>
001c c1c: 00
0019 c19: R_X86_64_PC32 .data..percpu..shared_aligned+0x1c
001d c1d: 44 89 c0 mov %r8d,%eax
0020 c20: 83 e0 01 and $0x1,%eax
0023 c23: 48 c1 e0 04 shl $0x4,%rax
0027 c27: 48 8d 88 00 00 00 00 lea 0x0(%rax),%rcx
002a c2a: R_X86_64_32S .data..percpu..shared_aligned
002e c2e: 65 48 8b 79 08 mov %gs:0x8(%rcx),%rdi
0033 c33: 65 8b b0 00 00 00 00 mov %gs:0x0(%rax),%esi
0036 c36: R_X86_64_32S .data..percpu..shared_aligned
003a c3a: 65 8b 49 04 mov %gs:0x4(%rcx),%ecx
003e c3e: 65 8b 05 00 00 00 00 mov %gs:0x0(%rip),%eax # c45 <native_sched_clock+0x45>
0041 c41: R_X86_64_PC32 .data..percpu..shared_aligned+0x1c
0045 c45: 41 39 c0 cmp %eax,%r8d
0048 c48: 75 cb jne c15 <native_sched_clock+0x15>
004a c4a: 89 f0 mov %esi,%eax
004c c4c: 48 f7 e2 mul %rdx
004f c4f: 48 0f ad d0 shrd %cl,%rdx,%rax
0053 c53: 48 d3 ea shr %cl,%rdx
0056 c56: f6 c1 40 test $0x40,%cl
0059 c59: 48 0f 45 c2 cmovne %rdx,%rax
005d c5d: 48 01 f8 add %rdi,%rax
0060 c60: 65 ff 0d 00 00 00 00 decl %gs:0x0(%rip) # c67 <native_sched_clock+0x67>
0063 c63: R_X86_64_PC32 __preempt_count-0x4
0067 c67: 74 1a je c83 <native_sched_clock+0x83>
0069 c69: c3 retq
006a c6a: 48 69 05 00 00 00 00 imul $0xf4240,0x0(%rip),%rax # c75 <native_sched_clock+0x75>
0071 c71: 40 42 0f 00
006d c6d: R_X86_64_PC32 jiffies_64-0x8
0075 c75: 48 ba 00 b8 64 d9 05 movabs $0xfff0be05d964b800,%rdx
007c c7c: be f0 ff
007f c7f: 48 01 d0 add %rdx,%rax
0082 c82: c3 retq
0083 c83: 55 push %rbp
0084 c84: 48 89 e5 mov %rsp,%rbp
0087 c87: e8 00 00 00 00 callq c8c <native_sched_clock+0x8c>
0088 c88: R_X86_64_PLT32 preempt_schedule_notrace_thunk-0x4
008c c8c: 5d pop %rbp
008d c8d: c3 retq

(seqcount_latch variant)

0000 0000000000000c20 <native_sched_clock>:
0000 c20: e9 89 00 00 00 jmpq cae <native_sched_clock+0x8e>
0005 c25: 55 push %rbp
0006 c26: 48 89 e5 mov %rsp,%rbp
0009 c29: 41 54 push %r12
000b c2b: 53 push %rbx
000c c2c: 48 83 e4 f0 and $0xfffffffffffffff0,%rsp
0010 c30: 0f 31 rdtsc
0012 c32: 48 c1 e2 20 shl $0x20,%rdx
0016 c36: 48 89 d3 mov %rdx,%rbx
0019 c39: 48 09 c3 or %rax,%rbx
001c c3c: 65 ff 05 00 00 00 00 incl %gs:0x0(%rip) # c43 <native_sched_clock+0x23>
001f c3f: R_X86_64_PC32 __preempt_count-0x4
0023 c43: e8 00 00 00 00 callq c48 <native_sched_clock+0x28>
0024 c44: R_X86_64_PLT32 debug_smp_processor_id-0x4
0028 c48: 49 c7 c4 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%r12
002b c4b: R_X86_64_32S .data..percpu..shared_aligned+0x20
002f c4f: 89 c0 mov %eax,%eax
0031 c51: 4c 03 24 c5 00 00 00 add 0x0(,%rax,8),%r12
0038 c58: 00
0035 c55: R_X86_64_32S __per_cpu_offset
0039 c59: 4c 89 e0 mov %r12,%rax
003c c5c: 8b 30 mov (%rax),%esi
003e c5e: 89 f1 mov %esi,%ecx
0040 c60: 83 e1 01 and $0x1,%ecx
0043 c63: 48 c1 e1 04 shl $0x4,%rcx
0047 c67: 48 8d b9 00 00 00 00 lea 0x0(%rcx),%rdi
004a c6a: R_X86_64_32S .data..percpu..shared_aligned
004e c6e: 65 4c 8b 47 08 mov %gs:0x8(%rdi),%r8
0053 c73: 65 44 8b 89 00 00 00 mov %gs:0x0(%rcx),%r9d
005a c7a: 00
0057 c77: R_X86_64_32S .data..percpu..shared_aligned
005b c7b: 65 8b 4f 04 mov %gs:0x4(%rdi),%ecx
005f c7f: 8b 10 mov (%rax),%edx
0061 c81: 39 d6 cmp %edx,%esi
0063 c83: 75 d7 jne c5c <native_sched_clock+0x3c>
0065 c85: 44 89 c8 mov %r9d,%eax
0068 c88: 48 f7 e3 mul %rbx
006b c8b: 48 0f ad d0 shrd %cl,%rdx,%rax
006f c8f: 48 d3 ea shr %cl,%rdx
0072 c92: f6 c1 40 test $0x40,%cl
0075 c95: 48 0f 45 c2 cmovne %rdx,%rax
0079 c99: 4c 01 c0 add %r8,%rax
007c c9c: 65 ff 0d 00 00 00 00 decl %gs:0x0(%rip) # ca3 <native_sched_clock+0x83>
007f c9f: R_X86_64_PC32 __preempt_count-0x4
0083 ca3: 74 22 je cc7 <native_sched_clock+0xa7>
0085 ca5: 48 8d 65 f0 lea -0x10(%rbp),%rsp
0089 ca9: 5b pop %rbx
008a caa: 41 5c pop %r12
008c cac: 5d pop %rbp
008d cad: c3 retq
008e cae: 48 69 05 00 00 00 00 imul $0xf4240,0x0(%rip),%rax # cb9 <native_sched_clock+0x99>
0095 cb5: 40 42 0f 00
0091 cb1: R_X86_64_PC32 jiffies_64-0x8
0099 cb9: 49 b8 00 b8 64 d9 05 movabs $0xfff0be05d964b800,%r8
00a0 cc0: be f0 ff
00a3 cc3: 4c 01 c0 add %r8,%rax
00a6 cc6: c3 retq
00a7 cc7: e8 00 00 00 00 callq ccc <native_sched_clock+0xac>
00a8 cc8: R_X86_64_PLT32 preempt_schedule_notrace_thunk-0x4
00ac ccc: eb d7 jmp ca5 <native_sched_clock+0x85>

And you see it starting to spill stuff.

When we disable DEBUG_ATOMIC_SLEEP it becomes much saner again:

0000 0000000000000b40 <native_sched_clock>:
0000 b40: e9 6b 00 00 00 jmpq bb0 <native_sched_clock+0x70>
0005 b45: 0f 31 rdtsc
0007 b47: 48 c1 e2 20 shl $0x20,%rdx
000b b4b: 48 09 c2 or %rax,%rdx
000e b4e: 65 ff 05 00 00 00 00 incl %gs:0x0(%rip) # b55 <native_sched_clock+0x15>
0011 b51: R_X86_64_PC32 __preempt_count-0x4
0015 b55: 49 c7 c0 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%r8
0018 b58: R_X86_64_32S .data..percpu..shared_aligned+0x20
001c b5c: 65 4c 03 05 00 00 00 add %gs:0x0(%rip),%r8 # b64 <native_sched_clock+0x24>
0023 b63: 00
0020 b60: R_X86_64_PC32 this_cpu_off-0x4
0024 b64: 41 8b 30 mov (%r8),%esi
0027 b67: 89 f1 mov %esi,%ecx
0029 b69: 83 e1 01 and $0x1,%ecx
002c b6c: 48 c1 e1 04 shl $0x4,%rcx
0030 b70: 48 8d b9 00 00 00 00 lea 0x0(%rcx),%rdi
0033 b73: R_X86_64_32S .data..percpu..shared_aligned
0037 b77: 65 4c 8b 57 08 mov %gs:0x8(%rdi),%r10
003c b7c: 65 44 8b 89 00 00 00 mov %gs:0x0(%rcx),%r9d
0043 b83: 00
0040 b80: R_X86_64_32S .data..percpu..shared_aligned
0044 b84: 65 8b 4f 04 mov %gs:0x4(%rdi),%ecx
0048 b88: 41 8b 38 mov (%r8),%edi
004b b8b: 39 fe cmp %edi,%esi
004d b8d: 75 d5 jne b64 <native_sched_clock+0x24>
004f b8f: 44 89 c8 mov %r9d,%eax
0052 b92: 48 f7 e2 mul %rdx
0055 b95: 48 0f ad d0 shrd %cl,%rdx,%rax
0059 b99: 48 d3 ea shr %cl,%rdx
005c b9c: f6 c1 40 test $0x40,%cl
005f b9f: 48 0f 45 c2 cmovne %rdx,%rax
0063 ba3: 4c 01 d0 add %r10,%rax
0066 ba6: 65 ff 0d 00 00 00 00 decl %gs:0x0(%rip) # bad <native_sched_clock+0x6d>
0069 ba9: R_X86_64_PC32 __preempt_count-0x4
006d bad: 74 1a je bc9 <native_sched_clock+0x89>
006f baf: c3 retq
0070 bb0: 48 69 05 00 00 00 00 imul $0xf4240,0x0(%rip),%rax # bbb <native_sched_clock+0x7b>
0077 bb7: 40 42 0f 00
0073 bb3: R_X86_64_PC32 jiffies_64-0x8
007b bbb: 49 ba 00 b8 64 d9 05 movabs $0xfff0be05d964b800,%r10
0082 bc2: be f0 ff
0085 bc5: 4c 01 d0 add %r10,%rax
0088 bc8: c3 retq
0089 bc9: 55 push %rbp
008a bca: 48 89 e5 mov %rsp,%rbp
008d bcd: e8 00 00 00 00 callq bd2 <native_sched_clock+0x92>
008e bce: R_X86_64_PLT32 preempt_schedule_notrace_thunk-0x4
0092 bd2: 5d pop %rbp
0093 bd3: c3 retq

But that's still slightly larger.

Anyway, I frobbed the patch to use the this_cpu variant, and I've queued
the lot.