From: Daeho Jeong
Date: Wed Sep 09 2020 - 00:43:52 EST

Hi Chao,

I have a question about the below flag for decompression.

STEP_DECOMPRESS_NOWQ, /* handle normal cluster data inplace */

According to the comment, you added this for using inplace
decompression but inplace decompression mode is not being activated
now, since we are setting STEP_DECOMPRESS right after bio_add_page().

if (bio_add_page(bio, page, blocksize, 0) < blocksize)
goto submit_and_realloc;

/* tag STEP_DECOMPRESS to handle IO in wq */
ctx = bio->bi_private;
if (!(ctx->enabled_steps & (1 << STEP_DECOMPRESS)))
ctx->enabled_steps |= 1 << STEP_DECOMPRESS;

Did you mean to deactivate inplace decompression mode on purpose,
since it had an issue? I am a little bit confused about this.