Re: [PATCH] MAINTAINERS: make linux-mediatek list remarks consistent

From: David Woodhouse
Date: Mon Sep 14 2020 - 11:17:25 EST

On Mon, 2020-09-14 at 16:57 +0200, Lukas Bulwahn wrote:
> Well, I am happy to send any PATCH v2. I guess we, you, David, Matthias
> and I, now just need to determine if the list is moderated or not.

It really isn't.

# /usr/lib/mailman/bin/config_list -o- linux-mediatek | grep -B5 ^generic_nonmember_action
# legal values are:
# 0 = "Accept"
# 1 = "Hold"
# 2 = "Reject"
# 3 = "Discard"
generic_nonmember_action = 0

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