Re: [PATCH 1/3] spi: spi-geni-qcom: Use the FIFO even more

From: Akash Asthana
Date: Tue Sep 15 2020 - 03:30:37 EST

On 9/13/2020 2:37 AM, Douglas Anderson wrote:
In commit 902481a78ee4 ("spi: spi-geni-qcom: Actually use our FIFO") I
explained that the maximum size we could program the FIFO was
"mas->tx_fifo_depth - 3" but that I chose "mas->tx_fifo_depth()"
because I was worried about decreased bandwidth.

Since that time:
* All the interconnect patches have landed, making things run at the
proper speed.
* I've done more measurements.

This lets me confirm that there's really no downside of using the FIFO
more. Specifically I did "flashrom -p ec -r /tmp/foo.bin" on a
Chromebook and averaged over several runs.

Before: It took 6.66 seconds and 59669 interrupts fired.
After: It took 6.66 seconds and 47992 interrupts fired.

Reviewed-by: Akash Asthana <akashast@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Signed-off-by: Douglas Anderson <dianders@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

The Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. is a member of the Code Aurora Forum,\na Linux Foundation Collaborative Project