Re: [RFC net-next 0/5] net: phy: add support for shared interrupts

From: Michael Walle
Date: Sun Oct 25 2020 - 04:18:28 EST

Am 2020-10-24 14:14, schrieb Ioana Ciornei:
- Every PHY driver gains a .handle_interrupt() implementation that, for
the most part, would look like below:

irq_status = phy_read(phydev, INTR_STATUS);
if (irq_status < 0) {
return IRQ_NONE;

if (irq_status == 0)
return IRQ_NONE;



Would it make sense to provide this (default) version inside the core?
Simple PHY drivers then just could set the callback to this function.
(There must be some property for the INTR_STATUS, which is likely to
be different between different PHYs, though).
