[PATCH 0/2] prevent potential access of uninitialized members in can_rcv() and canfd_rcv()

From: Anant Thazhemadam
Date: Tue Nov 03 2020 - 16:40:17 EST

In both can_rcv(), and canfd_rcv(), when skb->len = 0, cfd->len
(which is uninitialized) is accessed by pr_warn_once().

Performing the validation check for cfd->len separately, after the
validation check for skb->len is done, resolves this issue in both
instances, without compromising the degree of detail provided in the
log messages.

Anant Thazhemadam (2):
can: af_can: prevent potential access of uninitialized member in
can: af_can: prevent potential access of uninitialized member in

net/can/af_can.c | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
